Friday, October 30, 2015

MLA: Danielle Chartier - Saskatoon Riversdale

God in Heaven, we pause to remember Danielle Chartier today.  Help her in her role as Opposition critic for Health; Seniors; Women; and Early Learning and Child Care.  These are important ministries within our province and they need a strong advocate to draw attention to problem areas.  We pray that as she serves, that she would experience Your grace, presence and compassion in her life.  Bless her today we ask in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

On September 21, 2009 Danielle Chartier was elected MLA for Saskatoon Riversdale in a by-election resulting from the retirement of former MLA, Lorne Calvert, and was re-elected in 2011.

Danielle is a third-generation resident of the Saskatoon Riversdale constituency. Originally trained as a journalist, Danielle has worked as a reporter for daily newspapers in Moose Jaw and Saskatoon, as well as weekly newspapers and monthly magazines.

After obtaining a Bachelor of Social Work degree from the University of Regina, she worked for the Saskatchewan Department of Labour, Work and Family unit, for nearly three years. Currently, she is completing a master of public administration degree through the Johnson-Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy.

She has also worked on projects for a number of community organizations including the Saskatchewan Association for Community Living, Catholic Family Services of Saskatoon and the Children’s Discovery Museum on the Saskatchewan.

Danielle has two daughters.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

MLA: Hon. Jennifer Campeau - Saskatoon Faiview - Minister of Central Services and Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan Transportation Company

We pray today for Hon. Jennifer Campeau and ask that You would fill her with Your wisdom and insight as she oversees both Central Services and the STC. Be with her today as she gives herself to serving the people of Saskatchewan and representing her constituents. Surround her with people who will make her work a joy and not a burden.  Send your blessing to her life today. Amen

Jennifer Campeau was first elected to the Saskatchewan legislature in the 2011 provincial election for the constituency of Saskatoon Fairview.

Prior to entering politics, Jennifer was an instructor at the University of Saskatchewan as well as a PhD student. Jennifer also holds a Masters of Business Administration from the Edwards School of Business at the University of Saskatchewan and a Business Management undergraduate degree from the University of Lethbridge.

Jennifer has been driven to pursue politics, serve her community and go to school but the greatest accomplishment has been her daughter, Denaya. Jennifer knows firsthand the importance in doing all she can to make the province of Saskatchewan a great place for our children.

On June 5, 2014, Jennifer was appointed Minister of Central Services and Minister Responsible for Saskatchewan Transportation Company.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

MLA: Greg Brkich - Arm River-Watrous

We thank you Lord for MLA Greg Brkich and his long term commitment to Saskatchewan both locally and provincially. May he find creative ways to serve the area of Arm River - Watrous with the talents and skills You have blessed him with. Bless his family with good health and strong relationships we ask in Your Name, Amen.

Greg Brkich was born and raised on the family farm in the Bladworth area where he still operates a grain and cattle operation. Greg has always been and remains a dedicated member of his rural community. Previous to his first election, Greg served six years on Bladworth village council. He is still an active long-serving member of the Bladworth Elks club. Greg was first elected on September 16, 1999 and re-elected in the 2003, 2007 and 2011 general elections.

During his terms in opposition Greg brought forward a private member's bill recognizing the enormous contribution to Saskatchewan of the late former Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker. Greg’s duties have included senior critic for Regional Development and Co-operative Development and deputy critic for SaskWater and SPMC. He also served on the legislature’s Standing Committee on House Services. Greg was Vice-Chair of the caucus’ standing committee on private members’ bills and a member of the caucus’ standing committee on crown corporations.

As a government member Greg served as the Deputy Speaker and Chair of Committee of the Whole. He was also appointed Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture - Agriculture Programs Innovation initiative. Greg was also the Vice-Chair of the caucus’ standing policy committee on intergovernmental affairs and justice and was a member of the legislature's Standing Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs and Justice and the legislature’s Standing Committee on Private Bills. In 2012, Greg was appointed as Chair of the legislature's Standing Committee on Crown and Central Agencies and member of Treasury Board.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

MLA: Fred Bradshaw - Carrot River Valley

God we thank You for our leaders of Sask that have chosen to serve in government. We bring MLA Fred Bradshaw before You and ask that Your blessing would be with him and his family today. May he experience your peace and wisdom as he goes about his day. Thank you for his willingness to serve the people of Carrot River Valley. In Jesus Name Amen.

Fred was first elected to the legislature in the 2007 provincial election and was re-elected in 2011.

Fred was born at Arborfield in 1951 and moved to Carrot River in 1960 where he still lives. In 1976 he married a local girl, Terry Novogrodski. Fred and Terry have had three children, Lisa (deceased), Morgan, and Gina.

Fred has always been very involved in the community. He has participated in a number of venues, including the town council for Carrot River, fire department, Pasquia Park board, Arborfield Dehy board, Boy Scout leader, Carrot River United Church choir, plus other entities too numerous to list. Provincially, Fred is past president of the Saskatchewan Aerial Applicator Association and past director of the Canadian Aerial Applicators Association. Additionally, Fred served on the founding board of the Northeast Early Childhood Intervention program.

Fred has been appointed to the legislature’s Standing Committee on the Economy, the caucus’ policy committee on the economy and the government’s Red Tape Reduction committee.

Monday, October 26, 2015

MLA: Hon. Bill Boyd - Kindersley - Minister of the Economy, Energy and Resources; Minister Responsible for the Global Transportation Hub Authority, and Saskatchewan Power Corporation

Father we lift up Hon. Bill Boyd to You and the district of Kindersley,Sk.  We ask that You would give him wisdom and insight as he gives oversight to the economy, power, energy and resources in our province.  Keep him safe Lord as he travels and be near his family in their daily activities.  Thank you that You care for Bill and will watch over him today God. Amen

Bill Boyd is one of the founding members of the Saskatchewan Party and has been involved in Saskatchewan politics for more than two decades.

Bill was the MLA for the Kindersley constituency from 1991 until he stepped down in 2002. Originally elected in 1991 as a Progressive Conservative MLA, Bill became the leader of that party in 1994. He was re-elected in 1995. In 1997, he and three of his colleagues joined with four Liberal MLAs and founded the Saskatchewan Party. When Bill was re-elected in 1999, he was one of 26 MLAs elected under the Saskatchewan Party banner. He was once again elected in the Kindersley constituency in the 2007 and 2011 provincial elections.

Bill is currently the Minister of the Economy, Energy and Resources, Minister Responsible for The Global Transportation Hub Authority, and Saskatchewan Power Corporation.

Bill and his wife Lynn operate a pedigree seed farm near Eston. They have two adult children.

Friday, October 23, 2015

MLA: Cam Broten - Saskatoon Massey Place

We give thanks for Cam Broten today.  We ask that as he fills the important role of Leader of the Opposition that You would help him as he draws attention to important issues.  Help him hear what needs to be heard and see what needs to be seen.  Use him as an advocate and champion for those who need his help.  Bless his relationships.  Keep him in good health. Watch over him in every way. We ask this in Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Cam Broten loves Saskatchewan and is dedicated to ensuring that our best days as a province are ahead. Cam’s roots in Saskatchewan run deep. He’s the son of a teacher and a social worker, and the grandson of a former Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA), Hans Broten. His family lived in Regina, La Loche, Green Lake, and La Ronge before settling in Saskatoon.

As a father of three young daughters, Cam is committed to building a bright future for all Saskatchewan families.

Cam was elected in Saskatoon Massey Place in 2007 and re-elected in 2011. He was elected Leader of the Opposition in March 2013. He has been voted the best Saskatoon MLA by Planet S readers several times.

Prior to becoming an MLA, Cam worked as a health policy manager for the Saskatchewan Medical Association and a policy analyst with Saskatchewan Culture, Youth and Recreation. Cam earned an International Studies degree at the University of Saskatchewan and a Master’s degree in Political Science at Simon Fraser University.

Cam and his wife Ruth live in the Saskatoon Massey Place constituency with their daughters, Ingrid, Clara, and Gudrun, and their dog Oscar.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Transitions and the Power of Prayer

Courtesy of our friends at 'Nation At Prayer'

People woke up Tuesday morning to another new day - and a nation in transition.  A new Prime Minister had been elected; the Third Party has become the party in power; the Official Opposition has become the Third Party; the party in power has become the Official Opposition; the Green Party lost a member; the Bloc increased from 4 to 10; and the sitting Prime Minister resigned as Party Leader.  
1,792 candidates ran for office, 1,454 unsuccessfully, including 106 incumbent MPs; 338 were elected, of which 197 are new to Ottawa. 
Transition does not only impact the party standings; it impacts the life of every candidate and his/her family. Every candidate is in process of closing their campaign offices; in addition, defeated incumbents may be moving from accommodation in Ottawa while dealing with the sting of defeat and contemplating their life after politics; successful candidates are looking for new constituency offices and waiting to be assigned their Ottawa offices, while making living arrangements in their 'home away from home'.
Those returning to Ottawa are going through transition - to new roles in Parliament, new seating arrangements (in many cases on the opposite side of the House), and unfamiliar colleagues. Many of them are experiencing varying emotions as they adjust to the reality that some of their colleagues are not returning, even as they adjust to new personalities and changed balances of power.

Families are preparing for the long absences from home that accompany elected office; some are weighing the relative merits of moving to Ottawa where they can be together throughout the week while maintaining a presence in the constituency.

For those of us who know and trust the transforming power of prayer, this transition is much more than a time of change; it is the time to invite the unequaled and extraordinary power of the Holy Spirit to infuse the hearts and minds of those who now govern our nation, so that God's purposes for Canada will be served.  Whatever our thoughts and feelings about the outcome of the election, we have the great privilege and even greater responsibility, as the apostle Paul instructs, to give priority to praying for all who govern.  What confidence is ours that God can be fully trusted; that He is at work in ways beyond our knowing, for our good and the good of the nation; that He can use every elected representative for His purposes; and that there is nothing in all creation that He cannot transform or beyond which He is not more powerful!


  • Wisdom and discernment as he assumes the role and in appointing the Cabinet
  • Capacity to understand complex issues
  • Energy and endurance
  • Adaptability in responding to rapidly changing circumstances and events
  • Protection for him and his family

  • Wisdom as they assume their new responsibilities
  • God's grace to use their position wisely with integrity and strength of character
  • The power of the Holy Spirit to overcome any sense of entitlement 
  • Their families, as they make the adjustment to new realities
  • Guidance in finding suitable accommodation and office space
  • Courage to do what is right and grace in doing it


Pray that the Holy Spirit will:
  • Remove any residual bitterness, depression, or sense of personal rejection
  • Guide them into new occupations with a renewed sense of call and fulfillment
  • Guide their families in making any adjustments
All now need refreshment from the grueling schedule of a 78-day campaign, and God's grace to return to a more normalized life.

Above all and for all, may this time of transition be a time of transformation when the Holy Spirit awakens or deepens relationships with the living God, the source of transformation.

Because we pray, their lives - and our nation - will be impacted and transformed.

MLA: Bob Bjornerud - Melville-Saltcoats

God in Heaven, we ask that You would bless Hon. Bob Bjornerud as he serves as Minister of Agriculture. We ask that you would help him as he leads this important ministry with the province and that you would give him creative insights and solutions to the challenges that the agricultural community faces. Bless those who serve with him by granting them Your wisdom and favour in their lives.

Bob Bjornerud was born in Kelvington and was raised in Saltcoats. He began his career in mining with International Minerals and Chemicals in Esterhazy. Following this, Bob went into farming. 

At the local level, Bob served as a councilor in the Rural Municipality of Saltcoats for seven years and then as Reeve of the R.M. for another seven years. 

Bob was first elected to the Legislature in 1995 to represent the Saltcoats Constituency (now the Melville-Saltcoats constituency) as a member of the Liberal Party of Saskatchewan. As one of the founding members of the Saskatchewan Party, Bob served as the critic for Agriculture, Municipal Affairs, and also as the Opposition Whip. He was re-elected in 1999, 2003, 2007 and 2011. 

Bob served as the Minister of Agriculture from 2007 to May 25, 2012. 

Bob has three children and six grandchildren. He resides east of Yorkton with his partner Joan.