Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Hon. Lyle Stewart, Lumsden-Morse

Father, here is a man who has served much. He has given much of his time to the service of others and at the end of his service days, he will look for his rewards. Are not You, heavenly Father, the greatest servant of all? You served mankind in sacrificing Your only Son for our sake - for Lyle’s eternal sake. Father, allow Lyle to recognize that service is sacrifice and You sacrificed all for him long before he even knew. Father help him, as he looks for his earthly rewards that ultimately his surrender and service to You will reap the greatest rewards of all. Let not this day, or days forward pass by that he would not begin to see Your greatness as You reveal to him Your service and sacrifice for him. Amen.............

Lyle Stewart was born and raised near Pense, Saskatchewan where he continues to farm and ranch with his wife Linda and son Lee. Lyle was one of the first members in the Saskatchewan Party and was elected to the Legislative Assembly as the MLA for Thunder Creek in 1999. He was re-elected in 2003, 2007, 2011, and 2016. After the Saskatchewan Party formed government in 2007, Lyle served as the Minister of Agriculture, Minister responsible for Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation, and Minister for Enterprise and Innovation. He was also chair of the legislature's Standing Committee on the Economy and a member of the caucus' policy committee on the economy and the province's Treasury Board. Lyle and his wife Linda have three grown children and five grandchildren.

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