Father I thank you for Delbert. I thank you for the heart of a
man who desires to serve. I thank you that he is a man who yearns to be helpful and to see positive
change come to fruition. Father I pray that you would reach out to Delbert and work in a
new way that he has never experienced nor understood. Father I ask you to put your hand upon him and continue to guide him. Lord
lead him so that he may find in you a treasure, that you have just for
him father. Maye he finish the course to which he has begun faithfully.
First elected in 2003, Delbert was re-elected in the 2007, 2011, and 2016 provincial elections.
During his term in opposition, Delbert served as the Saskatchewan Party critic for Forestry, deputy critic for Northern Affairs and Industry & Commerce, and as vice-chair of the Standing Committee on the Economy.
Following the formation of a Saskatchewan Party government, Premier Brad Wall asked Delbert to serve as the chair of the legislature's Standing Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs and Justice. Delbert was also appointed as Legislative Secretary to the Premier (Saskatchewan Heritage Initiative) and as a Legislative Secretary to the Minister of Corrections, Public Safety and Policing.
Delbert has served Saskatchewan as Deputy Government House Leader, chair of the Private Member’s Committee, a member of the House Services Committee, and as a member of the Standing Committee on Crown and Central Agencies.
Delbert currently serves on the caucus Management Committee. He is the Assembly's Deputy Chair of Committees, and a member of the Privileges Committee and the Standing Committee on the Economy.
Delbert and Valerie have three grown children.
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