Thursday, April 7, 2016

60 Days of Prayer conclusion

We are grateful for all who accepted the challenge to run for office and pray blessing on them as they move in a different direction for this season. For those who will assume the responsibility of government in the coming weeks, Lord, fill them with wisdom and a sense of your heart for our province.
Thank you for praying with us during the campaign. We will take a break and resume prayers after the throne speech.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

60 Days of Prayer - A Prayer for the Opposition

Lord, use the leader of the opposition and his elected members to hold the government to account with mutual respect. Give them insight to bring to light areas that are missed or lacking. Help them to take their place as opposition with integrity. Use them effectively to make a difference.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

60 Days of Prayer - A Prayer for the Premier and his Cabinet

As the Premier and his cabinet take their place in the legislature, give them the vision to accomplish your purposes for Saskatchewan in this season. Remind them of the trust that has been placed in them and to remain accountable to the task. Cause them to have a value and respect for the elected opposition members and commit to work together for the best of our province. Amen.

Monday, April 4, 2016

60 Days of Prayer - Your Will be Done

As we come to the end of this election process, we pray that you position exactly who you desire in exactly the right place. May each elected member celebrate well the excitement of a successful campaign. Help them to subsequently turn their focus to the task ahead and prepare them to work for the future of our province. Amen

Saturday, April 2, 2016

60 Days of Prayer - Speak Clarity Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, speak clarity into our decision making process. Remove our bias’ based on tradition, history or assumed knowledge. Give us the ability to see into the issues, promises and platforms as they apply to our province at this point in time. Guide our minds to what is priority, realistic and accomplishes your purposes. Amen.

Friday, April 1, 2016

60 Days of Prayer - We Pray for Positive Exposure

As we come to the final weekend of the campaign, provide positive exposure to those you will place into prominence within this province. Let interactions between candidates and voters be completely truthful and respectful; give the voters discernment in listening and making decisions. Amen.